To be completely honest, being a stay at home mom and homemaker was the last thing I ever wanted to do. The thought of cooking, cleaning, and allowing these dirty little minions, although super darn cute minions, to climb all over me all day, every day was not something I was interested in ever pursuing. And, believe it or not, I thought I’d be bored! Boy was I wrong.
"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him" Psalm127:3
After our first daughter was born the pandemic hit. My job as a real estate appraiser went from a flourishing career to nearly nothing almost overnight. I was thrown into the role of a full time stay at home mommy and homemaker whether I liked it or not.
Although it was not my choice, it has become abundantly clear over the past five years that I am exactly where God wants me to be. As a stay at home mom and homemaker, I am able to prioritize family life, nurture a supportive loving home environment, be actively involved in my children’s upbringing, and have learned to express my creativity through gardening, cooking and home decorating. I have flexibility in scheduling and the ability to manage tasks based on individual needs and priorities.
As I have discovered, homemaking is more than keeping a tidy house- or the attempt thereof, making three square meals a day, and keeping your children alive. It’s cultivating an atmosphere where your family can thrive in a safe, loving environment rooted in family values. And I have a lot of power and influence in how that is developed as well as the end product. Proverbs 14 says “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”
That’s a lot of pressure that shouldn’t be taken lightly. And I would much rather be the influence on my family than the outside world.
I think the most important step in cultivating this atmosphere is setting priorities- God, family, home- respectively.
This somewhat unpopular and anti-cultural choice can often be lonely. Yes, even with a house full of little ones running around my ankles. Through the years I have really learned to lean into the still small voice leading me each day through the word of God. I prioritize time each morning, before the kids wake up, to spend reading and studying God’s word. It has been amazing to look back and see how just an hour each morning has transformed me as a mother and wife.
So far, after embarking on this journey of homemaking, I can honestly say I have no regrets. I won’t say it is easy and there have been seasons when being a single income family have made things more difficult. But rather than grump about my situation I can wake up each morning and embrace the blessings and know I am not alone. I don’t have all the answers. And each day is a new adventure with new challenges.
Take the journey with me as I share personal stories of our day to day with fun recipes, meal planning and cooking, budgeting, decorating, DIY projects, and more.