There’s something undeniably magical about stepping into a garden, where the vibrant colors of flowers dance in the sunlight and the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming plants. For me, the garden is more than just a collection of plants; it’s a sanctuary, a source of inspiration, and a reflection of my soul.
Some of my earliest memories as a child were picking cherry tomatoes out of my grandparents half acre garden. Years later I planted a small garden in my parents backyard. I didn’t know it at the time but that lit a fire inside of me. After moving to Colorado I had small potted gardens on my apartment balcony and helped my mother-in-law re-build and plant her large garden. After getting married I finally had a place of my own. Here is where my passion really took root. I started researching, learning, and studying everything I could consume about the garden. After a few seasons I started growing everything from seed. Each year I wanted to expand the garden, grow more, try new vegetables, try new varieties, I couldn’t get enough, I was … nope, I am completely addicted.
My growth in the garden took a new direction when I had my babies. I still loved growing a garden and the beauty of it. But due to some early health difficulties as well as a devastating terminal diagnosis for my dad, I began to look closer at our food system and grocery store food labels. My eyes were opened and down the rabbit hole I went. The food I grew in the garden became more than just a benefit of my passion, but rather the drive. I have to provide my family with healthy, all natural, organic food. Now my focus shifted to max production in a small suburban garden and how to preserve my harvest to enjoy all year long.
Over the last several years, I’ve come to this conclusion, our God doesn’t make mistakes, it’s not even possible for Him to because He is so perfect. And so is His design! God designed our absolutely beautiful world complete with everything our bodies need to live and thrive right down to the microscopic biology in our soil feeding our gut biome. Every little part works together in harmony. The closer you look at the intricacies of nature the more you see God, our perfect and wonderful creator. Through this journey, the garden has taught me that our God is amazing and the deeper I go, the more I learn about who He is!
In this blog, I want to take you on a journey through my passion for gardening, exploring beauty, joy, and tranquility that gardening brings to my life. Join me as I share the stories, lessons and love that flourish amidst the petals and leaves of my beloved green haven.